Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Women can finally wear pants legally

Women can finally wear pants legally

     Since the beginning of humanity, men have always been considered superior to women.
Whether it is in the personal or professional life men have always had advantages compared to women. They use to receive higher wages than women even though they did the same work. Within the family it is more common that the father brings in the money, therefore when it is the mother that does, the father is considered powerless.
           Pants being considered as a symbol of power. Since 1946 in the French constitution women are said to have the same rights as men. Nevertheless there was still a law that is paradoxical. The law prohibiting women to wear pants was instituted in 1800. In 1892 and 1909. It has been added that they could wear pants if they are riding a horse or riding a bike only.

         Even though this law existed women stated to wear pants on an every day basis due to designers who designed more and more outfits including pants. The member of the association “Ni Putes Ni Soumises” fought to abrogate this law from the constitution. It has been abrogated on the 31st of January 2013. It is a a small step toward equality between both sex but a big step for humanity.

By Maeva Rakotoarisoa 

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