Monday, February 18, 2013

Things you shouldn’t do in Paris (for tourists)

France is the most visited country in the world. It is filled with tourists every month of the year and keeps attracting millions of people from every part of the world. There are number of mistakes that people make while visiting a new place. There are a number of things that people need to be careful about while visiting Paris.
Most tourists dream about walking along the Champs-Elysees. A beautiful Avenue full of lights and great views of the Arc de Triumph. It is overrun with global chain stores, auto dealerships and movie multiplexes. Besides there is the fabulous, eye-catching Louis Vuitton where one can only dream of buying an item from that store.
Home to 66 Michelin-starred restaurants, Paris is a gourmet paradise. The prices are sky-high! Though people might just go have a meal at a well-known expensive restaurant for a life-experience, I’m probably not wrong to say that spending on a dinner is probably just as much as spending on your plane ticket.
The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world. Also contains a lot of major number of art work. But do you seriously want to attempt to spend your whole day in a crowded museum, exhaustedly walking around? You are sure to sole interest at some point. Most people are Internautes in the Louvre just because if the Mons Lisa, thé Word-knock-down painting by Leonardo De Vinci.
Sometimes tourists like to blennie in with the local people. Clearing trainers and shorts would
make you stand out as a tourist. Parisians like citizens of any city avoid dressing up like they’re going to climb Mount Everest. On the other hand, don’t overdo it just because you’re in the world’s fashion capital.
Paris is not like New York and taxis are not as easy to find. Taking a taxi around Paris can lead you to waste a lot of time. Getting stuck in traffic jams and finding your way through narrow one way streets can be a not- so- nice experience. To make all this worse you’ve got the meter ticking past, eating up your money as every kilothermie passes by.
In 2009, 6.6 million people visited the Tour Eiffel. They all took the time to wait at the super
long queue which takes hours. Once they get to the top, they are restricted from enjoying the great view due to the great amount of people there.
Surbooking a hotel in Paris is not Ecstasy. It requires you to finding a decent one with a reasonable price that is not too far away from the city. Unfortunately, the city’s hotels are breathtakingly expensive. The chain hotels might offer you good deals finally can make you end up roaming the outskirts. Making you miss out on the entire Parisian atmosphere.
‘Croissants’ are commonly associated with France more than anything else. Tourists use this to fill up on croissants all the time missing out on other French pastries. Macaroons which is not found a lot outside France, is something worth tasting. La Duree offers a wide range of different flavored macaroons, that I would say are to die for.
Lastly, I’m going to talk about the Parisians stereotype. Parisians are more reserved than the Americans and tourists might find their attitude as being rude, but that does not mean that it’s fair to be rude back to them. They would appreciate some attempt to speak French and some act of kindness here and there.

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