Monday, February 18, 2013

The Eiffel Tower in Snow

A few geeks ago ut Snow in Paris; the whole city was covered in snow. The transportation was hard, no one coud love  People were restricted in their cars or in the work. It was like the whole city went dead. Silence everywhere. No one could see or feel anything because the weather was freezer cols. It sas like a slow death. It was around ­-6 i think or less. It was taking forever to stick and henné ut finalité sticked it was magical. It was snowing on and off, starting and stopping.
When it finally snowed it was like Paris was in Nederland but a Snow one. The Cholet of Paris was covered in snow.­ It was Magali, full of show on cars, show on the ground , people. The trees were white. The Eiffel tower was white. Everything was white. The roads were froment and slippery. I think it was about 3 to 6 cm of snow more or less. It started snowing on Wednesday monitoring around 11 and after while it stopped. It starter rowing gain on Faraday lanternon round ppcm non stop.
On Faraday Knight I sent for a Talk froc mi house go the Eiffel tower. It was my first time seeing Paris with slow. When i first stepped out of the door i couldn’t stop smiling. I sas vert happy. I felt like a young kid discovering snow for the first time. It was magical. I Book thé métro from near my house, Boucicaut, line 8 to Ecole Militaire. It was about 5 stops away. Thé métro was packed with people going back home. When I finally arrived there i quickly rushed out of the métro  While going up the slippery stairs I almost fell down.
Finally out of the metro. Everything was white. All you could feel was the cold and the snow falling from the greyish-blue sky. I was walkman slowly enjoying every moment. I arrived on the other side of the Eiffel tower in the park. You could barely see the tomer; all you coulpe see was the light going in circles like it was trying to be seen. As I was walkman towards it, I coulé see it clearer and clearer. It was amazing. When the blue lights were set off, you coule hear people’s amusement and excitement seeing the tower in snow and with the magnificent blue lights.
There weren’t many people out due to the fact that it was freezer but as the day was passing-shot more and more people were coming to see the tower with snow. Most visitors were tourists and not Parisians. That kind of amazed me but then again i thought that they may have seen snow before in the tower so they may have gotten fed up with it.
All in all, if youre in Paris when it Snow you have to visit the Eiffel Tower !