Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Women can finally wear pants legally

Women can finally wear pants legally

     Since the beginning of humanity, men have always been considered superior to women.
Whether it is in the personal or professional life men have always had advantages compared to women. They use to receive higher wages than women even though they did the same work. Within the family it is more common that the father brings in the money, therefore when it is the mother that does, the father is considered powerless.
           Pants being considered as a symbol of power. Since 1946 in the French constitution women are said to have the same rights as men. Nevertheless there was still a law that is paradoxical. The law prohibiting women to wear pants was instituted in 1800. In 1892 and 1909. It has been added that they could wear pants if they are riding a horse or riding a bike only.

         Even though this law existed women stated to wear pants on an every day basis due to designers who designed more and more outfits including pants. The member of the association “Ni Putes Ni Soumises” fought to abrogate this law from the constitution. It has been abrogated on the 31st of January 2013. It is a a small step toward equality between both sex but a big step for humanity.

By Maeva Rakotoarisoa 

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Eiffel Tower in Snow

A few geeks ago ut Snow in Paris; the whole city was covered in snow. The transportation was hard, no one coud love  People were restricted in their cars or in the work. It was like the whole city went dead. Silence everywhere. No one could see or feel anything because the weather was freezer cols. It sas like a slow death. It was around ­-6 i think or less. It was taking forever to stick and henné ut finalité sticked it was magical. It was snowing on and off, starting and stopping.
When it finally snowed it was like Paris was in Nederland but a Snow one. The Cholet of Paris was covered in snow.­ It was Magali, full of show on cars, show on the ground , people. The trees were white. The Eiffel tower was white. Everything was white. The roads were froment and slippery. I think it was about 3 to 6 cm of snow more or less. It started snowing on Wednesday monitoring around 11 and after while it stopped. It starter rowing gain on Faraday lanternon round ppcm non stop.
On Faraday Knight I sent for a Talk froc mi house go the Eiffel tower. It was my first time seeing Paris with slow. When i first stepped out of the door i couldn’t stop smiling. I sas vert happy. I felt like a young kid discovering snow for the first time. It was magical. I Book thé métro from near my house, Boucicaut, line 8 to Ecole Militaire. It was about 5 stops away. Thé métro was packed with people going back home. When I finally arrived there i quickly rushed out of the métro  While going up the slippery stairs I almost fell down.
Finally out of the metro. Everything was white. All you could feel was the cold and the snow falling from the greyish-blue sky. I was walkman slowly enjoying every moment. I arrived on the other side of the Eiffel tower in the park. You could barely see the tomer; all you coulpe see was the light going in circles like it was trying to be seen. As I was walkman towards it, I coulé see it clearer and clearer. It was amazing. When the blue lights were set off, you coule hear people’s amusement and excitement seeing the tower in snow and with the magnificent blue lights.
There weren’t many people out due to the fact that it was freezer but as the day was passing-shot more and more people were coming to see the tower with snow. Most visitors were tourists and not Parisians. That kind of amazed me but then again i thought that they may have seen snow before in the tower so they may have gotten fed up with it.
All in all, if youre in Paris when it Snow you have to visit the Eiffel Tower !

Couture Week

By, Natalie Smith

In Paris, From January 21st to the 24th, French and Italian designers dominated the runways, some of these labels included the famous Christian Dior, Giorgio Armani, Jean Paul Gaultier, Chanel, Versace Valentino, and more.

Atelier Versace’s collection reinterpreted its all-time classics with a 70s bang. The collection lengths ranged from knee length for day, and mid calf for night. The colors were mostly intense ones; bright fuchsia, gold, copper, silver, bright yellow, and light green.

This is the second season for Raf Simons who has been the head of Dior for two years now. Simon claimed to have found inspiration from old Dior shows, digging through famous pieces, and adding a modern twist on them. The lengths of the outfits hit all parts of the leg from the knee to the ankle. The colors included a great amount of deep blues, blacks, beiges, and the occasional yellow, green or pink.

Karl Lagerfeld’s collection for Chanel, launched a collection hinted with it gothic tones and consisted greatly of tweed suits and dresses with low necklines on the front. Someone who's not a fan of Lagerfeld myself, the disappointment of these outfits came as no shock. Lengths of the daytime dresses hit right around the knee and the evening outfits were floor-length. Lagerfeld stayed true to the always-constant black and white classic Chanel but did find ways to add some pinks, greens and blues. The shoes were mostly boots that rested above the knee. 

Giorgio Armani was inspired for this collection by the encounters between the Eastern and Western culture of the world through fabrics, cuts, and jewelry. Armani plays with long dresses and skirts and flared pants. The colors of this collection reflected his attempt at a very diverse cultural vision, these colors ranged from earthy browns to vibrant reds and oranges.

Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli, the designer team leading Valentino since 2008 wowed critics. The collection was flawless, it used classic cuts and designs and made them look new and bold.  The outfits were all hand-made, a rare quality in collections today. The daytime dresses hit the knees and were complemented by long ball gowns
The colors stayed classic: black, red, white, cream, and the occasional pale pink.

The History of the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower, standing 320 meters high is the emblem of Paris, France. It is a very popular tourist destination as well. It consists of three levels, reachable by stairs or elevator.
The Eiffel Tower was constructed for the International Exhibition of Paris in 1889, commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution. It was designed by Gustave Eiffel, and was the world’s tallest building in 1930.  The peak of the tower was used to measure the speed of wind and other scientific experiments in 1889, and in 1898 Eugene Ducretet received signals from the tower.
However, in 1909, the tower was almost torn down, but was not because of its antenna used for military purposes. It has been used for French radio since 1918 and television since 1957.  In 1954 it was scaled by a mountaineer, 1984 it was parachuted off and in 1923 a man rode a bicycle down from the first floor. 

Things you shouldn’t do in Paris (for tourists)

France is the most visited country in the world. It is filled with tourists every month of the year and keeps attracting millions of people from every part of the world. There are number of mistakes that people make while visiting a new place. There are a number of things that people need to be careful about while visiting Paris.
Most tourists dream about walking along the Champs-Elysees. A beautiful Avenue full of lights and great views of the Arc de Triumph. It is overrun with global chain stores, auto dealerships and movie multiplexes. Besides there is the fabulous, eye-catching Louis Vuitton where one can only dream of buying an item from that store.
Home to 66 Michelin-starred restaurants, Paris is a gourmet paradise. The prices are sky-high! Though people might just go have a meal at a well-known expensive restaurant for a life-experience, I’m probably not wrong to say that spending on a dinner is probably just as much as spending on your plane ticket.
The Louvre is the most visited museum in the world. Also contains a lot of major number of art work. But do you seriously want to attempt to spend your whole day in a crowded museum, exhaustedly walking around? You are sure to sole interest at some point. Most people are Internautes in the Louvre just because if the Mons Lisa, thé Word-knock-down painting by Leonardo De Vinci.
Sometimes tourists like to blennie in with the local people. Clearing trainers and shorts would
make you stand out as a tourist. Parisians like citizens of any city avoid dressing up like they’re going to climb Mount Everest. On the other hand, don’t overdo it just because you’re in the world’s fashion capital.
Paris is not like New York and taxis are not as easy to find. Taking a taxi around Paris can lead you to waste a lot of time. Getting stuck in traffic jams and finding your way through narrow one way streets can be a not- so- nice experience. To make all this worse you’ve got the meter ticking past, eating up your money as every kilothermie passes by.
In 2009, 6.6 million people visited the Tour Eiffel. They all took the time to wait at the super
long queue which takes hours. Once they get to the top, they are restricted from enjoying the great view due to the great amount of people there.
Surbooking a hotel in Paris is not Ecstasy. It requires you to finding a decent one with a reasonable price that is not too far away from the city. Unfortunately, the city’s hotels are breathtakingly expensive. The chain hotels might offer you good deals finally can make you end up roaming the outskirts. Making you miss out on the entire Parisian atmosphere.
‘Croissants’ are commonly associated with France more than anything else. Tourists use this to fill up on croissants all the time missing out on other French pastries. Macaroons which is not found a lot outside France, is something worth tasting. La Duree offers a wide range of different flavored macaroons, that I would say are to die for.
Lastly, I’m going to talk about the Parisians stereotype. Parisians are more reserved than the Americans and tourists might find their attitude as being rude, but that does not mean that it’s fair to be rude back to them. They would appreciate some attempt to speak French and some act of kindness here and there.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Secrets of Disneyland Paris

The place where all dreams come true - Disneyland Paris lets everyone enjoy themselves to bits and it isn’t just the awesome rides, shows, and Disney character parades that make the park so extremely special and outstanding. There are several deliberate hidden “secrets” that make it genuinely magnificent and entertaining. In this article some of the secrets will be uncovered and made into targets that you will be looking for the next time you go to Disneyland. But a brief introduction to the structure of Disneyland would be the best point to start. There are five different areas to Disneyland: Main Street USA, “a typical small American town at the turn of the 20th century”; Frontierland, “the conquest of the West”; Adventureland “the world of explorers and adventurers”; Fantasyland,“all the magic of the great Disney Classics”, and Discoveryland, “Dreams of the future from the past and present”.

An amazing secret can be spotted when you enter Disneyland Paris, where Main Street USA with a wide range of Disney shops leads to the centre of the park. It can be seen here that as you go down the street towards the Sleeping Beauty Castel  the ship fronts long ut combe more ans more Modern  Claudine thé tact tchat thé Street tas lampe stand ta thé smart sherpas lectrice ligots are set ta tue pend  But henné are se ta the start of the street? Tue answer is looking down at us from the top of the building of the great store at thé corner called “The Emporium”, when we are at the year of 1896.

Through with the small American town street, another secret is found in Frontierland. At the entrance to Phantom Manor, a haunted mansion where a ghostly bride resides, a decoration to the building, a vampire-like creature and a skull greet the guests with a piece of writing in Latin, “Non Omnis Moriar”, which means “I shall not completely die” in English! This adds a touch of horror to the place of dreams. Also, another unusual sight can be caught in one of the windows of the manor. In the flickering light from the inside, you could with very sharp eyes find a mysterious figure with white gloved hands and hat that seems to be looking over us.

In Disneyland, there are a great number of “Hidden Mickeys” that are secretly put in the picture. One example of those can be found in the popular ride “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril”. Some of the settings, three metal hoops that may have been used in the research by Dr Jones, have fallen on the ground to create a very “lucky” arrangement.   

The most remarkable monument in Disneyland would be Sleeping Beauty Castle in Fantasyland. But, even this significant royal habitation has a secret “on” it; there are golden snails climbing up two of the roofs of the castle!

Discoveryland has one of the outstandingly popular rides in Disneyland; Buzz lightyear Laser Blast. While waiting to join the shooting battle against Zurg the evil robot, you can spot some hidden Mickeys here and there. The first example is a planet called Pollostrautt. It looks similar to the Earth, but with a massive difference; the green continent is shaped of a profile Mickey head! Another is a tiny little star twinkling among others.

As you saw, there are thousands of hidden “secrets” in Disneyland, and also not to forget to mention, Disney Studio, hotels and village all surrounding Disneyland Paris. These attract the guests and produce a great number of “repeaters” who visits the parks again and again. Perhaps a place of all dreams and fun does not come just so simply.

Salaries in France

          Salaries in France by Nihar Purkait   11/02/13

Economic recession in Europe is having profound impact on people’s lives. In order to find how the recession has changed lives and income, we conducted a small survey of working people in and around Paris. We interviewed a number of persons to know among other things how their income level has changed in last one year. We found that computer programmers have an hourly wage (for ex: 23 euros per hour) that has not changed in the past one year. Outside sales employees are not the only people who do not to have a minimum salary; professionals (like teachers, lawyers, doctors) also do not have a minimum salary.
Of course some people we interviewed were not very keen on sharing that information and just made fun of it by saying: “A billion euro”. Some of them were just rude and shooed us away.

But luckily, some of them were nice and answered our questions. The first person we interviewed was our local butcher Pierre Montier. We asked him how much he earned in a month, He said that it kept changing depending on how many people wanted to buy meat from him and not from some supermarket. On an average he earned 1,800 euros, but he said he was still grateful since last year his monthly wage was only 1,700 euros. Then we moved on and went to interview a garbage collector, Sebastian Perrilot. He was very polite and greeted us with a delightful “Bonjour” (I don’t think he knew how to speak English). We asked him how much he earned per month and he answered in French “une mille euros” which means a 1,000 euros. We also asked him about how much he earned last year and he answered "c'était la meme" which means that it was the same. Next we went to a surgeon, Louis Baptiste. Luckily, he knew how to speak English! We asked him how much he earned monthly and he answered it was around ”8,500 euros”. He said he was satisfied with his wage and didn’t want it to change.
As we kept going up from lower to higher classes, we saw that the salaries varied a lot. For example, the garbage collector, Sebastian Perrilot only got about 1,000 euros monthly;  our local butcher Pierre Montier  was earning around 1,800 euros a month, which kept changing depending on how many people bought his product, while some people like Alex Garment (a lawyer whom we interviewed the last) said that he got 10,500 euros monthly. But unfortunately, this difference of wages between people is a normal day to day life thing that we are used too, since the world functions like that. Some people are living a good, comfortable life with more money than they can spend in two lives, and some people did not even a penny to spare.

Monday, February 4, 2013

PARIS: demonstration against new Marriage Act allowing gays and lesbians to get married
         This Sunday, January the 13, 2013, there was a demonstration against gay marriage. The streets of Paris was filled since the early hours, with people of all ages and genders holding up signs with slogans expressing their views on this new law that the French president, François Hollande, is going through with. The demonstration consisted of French citizens, travelling all the way to Paris to attend the demonstration and bring attention to their opposing views.  The demonstration was divided into three different groups and each of them were given their own specific starting point. The first group started at Denfert-Rochereau with participants living in the 6th, 7th and 15th “arrondissements” as well as the people from the south and south-west. The second group started at Place d’Italie with participants from the 1st – 5th, 9th – 14th, 19th and 20th “arrondissements” and from the towns in the east, north-east and south-east. The final group started at Porte Maillot with participants from the 8th and 16th – 18th “arrondissements” and the west and north-west of France. The 3 groups marched and demonstrated in the streets of Paris before they all gathered at Champ-de-mars, where there was entertainment and such while they waited for the letter written to François Hollande from the head participants, to be read out loud on stage.
The majority of the participants in this demonstration were Catholics and right-wing people fending for what they meant was a waste of time. They were slightly annoyed that Hollande was focusing on such a subject when there are other more important issues to be taken care of such as unemployment and social deterioration linked to the ongoing economic crisis in Europe.
This demonstration caused huge discussions amongst the politicians and journalists, and the news stations were everywhere trying to get an interview from both sides. In one interview there was a male participant of the demonstration who got kissed by another male on live TV. This shows that there were also people demonstrating against the demonstration. There was even one group demonstrating against marriage itself.
This demonstration was being compared to the one of free schools in 1984 as it is the same group of people now as then. That time they managed to get what they wanted but this time the odds are not in their favor. In 1984 they demonstrated for the children and the right to choose which schools they wished to attend. In 2013 they are also using the children as arguments to support their resistance to this new law. They find it unfair for the children to be adopted in to a gay marriage as the correct family consists of a man, a woman and a child. The extreme rights were comparing Hollande to Hitler, saying he is acting like a dictator and not listening to the people, as well as not preserving the French pride.
Even with their great efforts to stop this law from coming through, it is already clear that they will not succeed. The demonstration only had about 340 000 participants (police’s figures), even though they were hoping for a number above the million like the one in 1984. The reality of it is, even if they did have that many people, it still wouldn´t work as there are about 60 million people in France and so the demonstration is a clear minority. The politicians have moved on from the question of gay marriage as the decision is already made and are now discussing the question of adoption. What is and what isn’t fear for the child and what is and what isn’t acceptable. The question of adoption does not yet have to be answered as Hollande is yet to say anything specific about this matter.
Finally as a result of today’s vast demonstration a lot of the Parisian public transport systems were disrupted throughout the day. Metro stations such as Place d’Italie, Porte Dauphine and Le Gobelins were closed from 11 am until 5pm and more than 25 bus lines were delayed by traffic.